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MySchoolOne is a complete School Administration and Management Software. It helps Schools and Educational Institutions to manage their entire school's administrative data such as Fee Collection, Payments, Expenses in the software.It also helps manage non-administrative information such as Student Information, Attendance, Promotions, Classes, Sections, Marks Cards and TC, etc., in the Software.

MySchoolOne is a highly customizable online software program that a wide range of schools has adapted to suit their needs (e.g. K-12, vocational training programs, art and sports schools, and special skills programs).You can modify each feature to fit your needs, such as rolling semesters or even an academic structure based on hourly credits to even customizing a module as per your school’s requirement.

Because MySchoolOne is housed on the cloud, using the most secure platform on the market, your data is less vulnerable to serious problems. Your school's information is more secure and readily available from anywhere.

Accessibility – You can access MySchoolOne anywhere by using an internet browser. Awesome Shortcodes Cost – No hardware required and no IT support required Security – Get the highest form of secured data

The school determines the data which is to be converted. The school sends a sample in excel spreadsheet format. The MySchoolOne team reviews the sample to determine whether it is in a proper format. When the data sample is approved, the data conversion is completed. A proposal is provided for the school’s approval and data conversion must be complete prior to training.

We certainly do. All new customers receive training as part of their initial setup. This can be fulfilled remotely. In addition, custom training is available as needed. Finally, periodic online training sessions are provided at no additional cost to our customers.

No software updates. MySchoolOne continues to add to the system and offers all the new features to current clients with no extra charge.

We ensure that you have 99% uptime. To deliver this level of reliability, we host our applications in world-class data centres. These are the same data centres that carry traffic for international Telco’s.

Stuti Technologies adheres to rigorous security measures in accordance with ISO 27001 and 27701standards. As a company, we proudly declare our compliance with ISO 27001, 27701, and GDPR. Our business management system is not only more accurate, secure, and effective but also aligns with industry standards, ensuring superior service delivery to our clients.

Your data is treated as importantly as online banks treat financial information, which is why we use the same Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology when transmitting information between your computer and our servers. (Note that demo accounts use unencrypted HTTP access.)